Τίποτα περισσότερο δεν μου είναι γνωστό, πέραν των όσων αναγράφονται στο οπισθόφυλλο του δίσκου της φωτογραφίας, για τον - καταγόμενο από την Ακτή Ελεφαντόδοντος - Emile Yoan.
Οργανοπαίχτης της Kalimba, θα κυκλοφορήσει το 1981 το "The Man and his Music" (απ' όπου και το κομμάτι που παραθέτω) για την "Clarence music recs", συνεπικουρούμενος από σπουδαίους μουσικούς της Jazz, όπως ο κιθαρίστας Marc Ribot και ο σαξοφωνίστας Roy Nathanson. Ένα μάλλον σπάνιο άλμπουμ που κινείται στα όρια της "Spiritual Afro-Jazz" και στο οποίο ο Yoan παίζει επίσης πιάνο, conga και τραγουδάει. Αφιερωμένο στους προγόνους του, απ' όπου και το όνομα της μπάντας ...
"From the "French Riveria of West Africa", drawing upon the sights and sounds of Paris, to the hustle and bustle of the streets of New York City, EMILE YOAN has created a sound that transcends cultures.
As a young child in the village of Man (Abidjan, Ivory Coast) West Africa, fascinated by the "Womens Circle" of dancers and especially the agility of his mother's movements, YOAN mastered the art of Kalimba playing.
Through his haunting soul touching, YOAN has drawn together some of New York's finest musicians to create the musical communication of the Ancestors."
Emile Yoan and the Ancestors - Poem

"From the "French Riveria of West Africa", drawing upon the sights and sounds of Paris, to the hustle and bustle of the streets of New York City, EMILE YOAN has created a sound that transcends cultures.
As a young child in the village of Man (Abidjan, Ivory Coast) West Africa, fascinated by the "Womens Circle" of dancers and especially the agility of his mother's movements, YOAN mastered the art of Kalimba playing.
Through his haunting soul touching, YOAN has drawn together some of New York's finest musicians to create the musical communication of the Ancestors."
Emile Yoan and the Ancestors - Poem